Why is Air Duct Cleaning so Important?

Maintaining a comfortable living environment requires clean air ducts, but many overlook this crucial aspect of home maintenance. Over time, dust, debris, and even construction material can accumulate inside your air ducts, leading to poor indoor air quality that can have serious problems that can put your health and energy bills at risk. The answer to this problem, is duct cleaning.

The Role of HVAC Maintenance

Regular HVAC maintenance is essential to keep your system running smoothly for years. You should replace air filters every three months. It can be more frequently if you have pets. Professional air duct cleaning is recommended for every two to three years. This helps ensure your HVAC system operates efficiently.

A picture of Healthy Homes duct cleaning rig - the best choice for clean air ducts in Peoria, Bloomington, and Champaign, IL

How to Keep Your HVAC Clean

Regularly checking and replacing air filters is the first step in maintaining clean ductwork. It can help remove any extra debris or contaminants that may have built up inside your system. You can easily check if your ductwork have been previously cleaned by looking for plugs or patched spots in your basement.

The Benefits of Clean Air Ducts

Clean ductwork is an essential step in promoting a healthier and safer living environment for you and your family. It offer numerous benefits, including improving the quality of your indoor air and reducing the risk of mold growth. Regular cleaning stops harmful particles from entering your air supply, leading to better respiratory health and overall wellness.

Before and after comparison of air ducts in a home in Bloomington, IL. The before image shows dirty and dusty ducts, while the after image shows clean and shiny ducts after being cleaned by Healthy Homes

Schedule Your Duct Cleaning

If you’re unsure when your HVAC was last cleaned, or if you’ve never had your system cleaned, now is the time to get it scheduled. Contact us at (309) 418-9511 to schedule your air duct cleaning and ensure your home is a Healthy Home. Act now to improve indoor air quality and avoid health issues or higher energy bills.

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